Procurement Intelligence | Supply Market Intelligence | Procurement Services EmpoweringCPO

Procurement Intelligence

What is Procurement Business Intelligence?

Procurement Intelligence is the process of gathering and analyzing information relevant to a company’s supply markets specifically for the purpose of supporting accurate and confident decision-making during the strategic sourcing process as well as during the entire category management process.

Why EmpoweringCPO?

Digitization has led to an explosion of data available through category-specific websites, trade journals, and specialized publications. Category managers are required to filter out irrelevant, outdated, and overly biased data before it can be used for decision-making. Thus, as a part of their role, category managers routinely interact with sales representatives of vendors. These sales departments typically outspend the procurement departments in terms of access to relevant procurement intelligence and hence the category managers tend to be at a disadvantage. EmpoweringCPO through its customized procurement services supports the procurement department and assists in making more holistic and unbiased buying decisions.

EmpoweringCPO is one of the leading procurement intelligence companies, our customized research report is produced according to the client’s specific needs with the following deliverables/activities:


Creating a category profile document to include the following:

Elements of Our Procurement Intelligence Offering | Procurement Intelligence | Supply Market Intelligence | Procurement Market Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence in Procurement | Artificial Intelligence and Procurement | Supplier Market Intelligence | EmpoweringCPO

Commodity Profile

Lists information about the products or services, market size and growth rate, manufacturing process, and critical-to-quality factors

  • Applicable Index & escalation mechanism
  • Industry Insights
  • Upstream and Downstream Price Indices

Cost Structure

Identifies the costs associated with materials, labor, transportation, energy, overhead, profit, and other cost component

  • Should Cost Analysis
  • Category Cost Components & their contribution
  • Cost Structure

Supply Base Profile

Identifies available suppliers, their characteristics, and countries where suppliers of the category are located.

  • Major Players & their Market Share
  • Key Capabilities of Suppliers
  • Major Clients
  • Contact details of Suppliers

Market Indicators

Identifies demand and price drivers, capacity utilization, and other characteristics that determine price and availability which can support low-cost country sourcing:

  • Scan market to understand current price
  • Global market conditions

Competitive Analysis

Assesses buyer and supplier power, substitute products / services, and other factors that influence buying leverage

  • Porter’s 5 Five Forces
  • Kraljic Matrix
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • Sourcing Levers

EmpoweringCPO’s Client Engagement Process Management:

We provide weekly reports but we are flexible in adopting the format and method that may be required to ensure success of our relationship

  • EmpoweringCPO team member can schedule 10 minutes every day to update on various projects and activities. (or as appropriate).
  • We at EmpoweringCPO try to mirror your working hours so as to be productive.
  • EmpoweringCPO is open to all mediums of communication like – Email, Video Call, Chat and Telephone.
  • EmpoweringCPO maintains strict SLA in terms of timelines. Adherence to agreed deadline for deliverables is not less than 99%.
  • Our weekly offsite activity report table includes columns as listed below, to update our clients on an ongoing basis.
  • We also include start and end date of each sub activity completed or in process.
  • We are flexible to include any other additional information that may be required on weekly basis.
Column Headers for Proposed Weekly Report
Project / Category Name
Onsite Lead
Project Start Date
Estimated Spend
Projected Savings
Activity Performed This Week
Activity Planned for Next Week
Hours This Week
Next Week Plan (Hours)
Second Week Plan (Hours)
Third Week Plan (Hours)
Fourth Week Plan (Hours)
Deliverable Submitted
Submission Date

We finalize on appropriate feedback and review mechanism, based on preference of our clients : 

Procurement Intelligence

In addition to EmpoweringCPO Account Manager, other senior delivery team members at EmpoweringCPO will also support Consultants as mentors as well as Subject Matter Experts.

Procurement Intelligence

Client Engagement Portal:


Our Client Engagement Portal acts as an interface to ensure seamless communication between client category managers and our team of research analysts. This portal is specifically designed to have smooth communications with all our clients. This portal has secured access for every user. This portal allows the client category managers to share the scope of the research that is required. Our research team accordingly can upload the final deliverables once the task is completed and our clients can easily view and share the documents with their internal team members.

We provide managed procurement services, conduct research and analysis to support our clients. Our deliverables are in form of power point presentation, Excel Sheets and in form of PDF. For all such research and analysis, we receive requests from client category managers and buyers. They are expected to populate a questionnaire so as to share the scope of work desired (refer questions listed below). As soon as the form is submitted an email is sent to the specified email ID stating the new request has been uploaded. Also email includes all the information which has been collected. EmpoweringCPO in turn delivers the report or document desired and the same is uploaded on the website / tool. Once the document is uploaded an intimation email is sent to the Requestor, he or she can accordingly download. The requestor is also allowed to share the link with other team members working on the same project, and they are also allowed to download.

  1. Date (This is system generated)
  2. Requestor Name
  3. Requestor Identity Number
  4. Phone
  5. Mobile
  6. Email
  7. Area (Information from 1 – 8 is automatically populated if the name or ID is selected).
  8. Group
  9. Category
  10. Type of research or analysis needed
    1. Supplier Research
    2. Market Research
    3. Best Practices
    4. RFI or RFP Template Preparation
    5. Blind RFI / RFP
    6. Should Cost Analysis
    7. End-to-End Strategic Sourcing Project
    8. RFI / RFP Publishing, Follow-up, Summarizing
    9. Company Profile
    10. Outside In Savings Analysis
    11. Price Trend Analysis and Research (Historic and Future)
  11. Desired Delivery Date
  12. Please provide the key objective of the study (please state end objective and key issues to be addressed)
  13. Please provide the scope of the study (geographic, industry, product/service, $Spend etc.)
  14. Significance of result to the client (market understanding, supplier evaluation, building fact pack, independent validation, etc.) i.e. how will you use the information?
  15. Please provide high priority focus area(s) (“must-haves”)
  16. Please provide lower priority focus area(s) (“nice-to-haves”)
  17. What information or additional background can you provide – so that we do not duplicate work and can give EmpoweringCPO a jump-start? (Incumbent Supplier Name etc.)
  18. Please list any hypotheses to confirm.
  19. Deliverable format (Word, Excel, PPT, MS Power BI, or any other special template, etc.)
  20. Please attach any further useful documentation.

The above questionnaire is just for reference; we can customize it as per client requirements.

  1. Secured with all certifications
  2. Clear protection policies and techniques
  3. Can be integrated with corporate Directory Services (e.g.MS Azure Active Directory)
  4. Easy single-sign on (SSO)
  5. Secure XML parsing
  6. Data encryption (storage and in-transit). All communications are encrypted using TLS 1.2.
  7. Aligned with all legal compliances

After the report is delivered and consumed, the user (requestor or anyone else) is allowed to provide ratings on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is excellent. The 4 Parameters / factors that would be rated are as follows:

  1. Turn Around Time
  2. Market Intelligence
  3. Supplier Intelligence
  4. RFI / RFP Development & Support

The tool also provides all the reporting across the following lines:

  1. Assignments completed, In Progress, Overall etc.
  2. Assignments across month
  3. Assignments across Category Managers, Group, Area, Business Units.
  • Reduce risks
  • Increase savings
  • Improve decision making
  • Discover new suppliers
  • Explore new capabilities of existing suppliers
  • Locate countries where new suppliers can be found
  • Gather data on supplier financial viability and business continuity
  • Build cost models for use in negotiations
  • Find early warnings for supply market changes

Our Capabilities

Procurement Intelligence

Procurement Intelligence Reports

EmpoweringCPO possesses an extensive collection of 700 Procurement Market Intelligence Reports, covering a wide range of Direct and Indirect categories in various industries and sectors.

Procurement Intelligence


Our expertise in developing procurement and spend dashboards and tools enables us to provide real-time insights to clients, reducing their total cost of ownership and help in sustainable procurement.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are quite recently the absolute most normal inquiries we get inquired.

Procurement Intelligence is the methodical gathering and analysis of data related to your supply markets. It aims to equip you with actionable insights, empowering your strategic sourcing and category management processes with data-backed decisions.

We offer specialized, unbiased research tailored to your specific needs. Our depth of industry knowledge and analytical capabilities level the playing field against vendors who often have more extensive market intelligence resources.

Our detailed reports cover a multitude of factors including commodity profiles, cost structures, supply base profiles, market indicators, competitive analysis, and more. This 360-degree view allows you to make holistic and educated procurement decisions.

‘Should Cost Analysis’ provides a detailed breakdown of all cost components involved in a product or service. Understanding these elements enables you to negotiate better and pinpoint areas for potential cost savings.

Market indicators include demand and price drivers, global market conditions, and capacity utilization. These factors directly impact the price and availability of products or services, making them crucial for strategic planning.

We offer flexible reporting formats and communication channels like Email, Video Call, Chat, and Telephone. We even schedule daily or weekly updates to keep you informed on project statuses and activities.

Our portal serves as an interactive platform for seamless communication between you and our research analysts. It’s a secure environment where you can specify research requirements and download completed reports, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

We maintain strict Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and boast a 99% adherence rate to agreed-upon deadlines for deliverables.

Our deliverables are versatile, available in PowerPoint presentations, Excel sheets, and PDF formats, catering to different client preferences.

To kick-start your journey with us, you can reach out via our Client Engagement Portal or directly through our contact details. After understanding your specific requirements, we’ll tailor our services to meet your needs.

We’re always here to help. For any more questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us directly. Our team is readily available to provide the information you require.

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Compliance Management Tool

Compliance management is very critical as otherwise the procurement organization may run into a scenario where there is a huge gap between realized savings and reported savings. Many procurement functions estimate large savings numbers when contracts are signed. They also invest significant time and effort in negotiating contracts for necessary goods and services, only to have a third or more of their purchasing dollars flow outside those deals. Some of the obvious fall-outs of non-compliance and maverick purchases are:

  • Very high prices
  • Risk of losing out on volume discounts and rebates

As compared to the current contract that was finalized after the sourcing process, the tool helps in tracking:

  • Vendor Compliance
  • Price Compliance

The objective of this tool is to ensure that the orders are placed only with the vendors that were shortlisted after the sourcing process and at the same price that was agreed upon and negotiated during and after the strategic sourcing process.

Request Tool Demo

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